
Tidenham Historical Group published their first book in 2014

‘The Churches and Chapels of Tidenham Parish’.

After many years of research all present and former places of worship in the parish are recorded in the book, from St Tecla at the mouth of the Wye to the Church of the Sacred Heart in Sedbury consecrated in 1988.

The first recorded church was built in AD625 and over foureteen centuries since then the parish has been the location for a wide and intriguing variety of Christian places of worship. This beautifully illustrated book provides a lively and unique overview of their history, significance and architecture as well as providing detailed guides to all of the surviving buildings accessible to the public.

As it was the local people who used the buildings and brought them alive, the book reflects many colourful human aspects of their story: the wealthy benefactors who paid for the churches and supported the poor in the area; some memorable priests; raiding pirates and even a whole commumnity given just eleven days to move out of their homes.

There are also chapters on Stained Glass and Fonts.

The book is available from Chepstow Bookshop or Hanley Farm Shop on the A48 or by post from this website, price £15 plus p&p

The book has raised funds for all the current places of worship including over £1000 for the Tidenham Parish Church of St Mary and St Peter.

Front cover final_0002Back cover final

In 2017 the a second book was published Beachley and the First World War; the story of the failed shipyard and the eviction of a whole village with just a few days notice.

£25 plus p&p

Our third book is now available Tidenham Remembers.  The men on the Tidenham War Memorials have been reserached so that they can be remembered as more than just a name read out on Remembrance Sunday.

£7 plus p&p

All three books are also available at Chepstow Bookshop

Keith Underwood has researched and written a booklet about William FitsOsbern to commemorate the 950th anniversary of the foundation of Chepstow Castle.
If you would like to buy a copy of this beautiful book please contact us via the website. Cost £5.00 plus p&p. Local orders can be delivered.

Keith’s latest work is the story of William Marshal who married Isabel de Clare daughter of Strongbow and so he acquired Strongbow’s estates including Chepstow Castle. 2019 is the 800th anniversary of Marshal’s death, he is buried in Temple Church in London.

Available from Tidenham History Group cost £5 plus p7p please email the group if you would like a copy.  Also available at Chepstow Bookshop.